Friday, November 28, 2008


My first Thanksgiving all grown up!

I invited my whole family from California up for a few days at our house.
We had 8 adults and 2 kids packed in to my house. I made up 3 queen beds in one room and we had Wren in our smallest bedroom and Lilia in with momma and poppa. It was crazy but a good time. My grandfather was definitely missed as he passed away last month and could not be with us on this special day. We thought of him often and he was on our hearts as we even took a moment and toasted him and his life.

Everyone kept asking and talking about what they were thankful for and I felt like all day I could just cry even thinking about it. Because I was just so thankful that the tears could not be kept back while even speaking of it. But I will say it now. As most of you know we lost our firstborn daughter, Zoe Elizabeth to a genetic disorder called Turner's syndrome. For most everyone that seems like so long ago but for me I think about her so often. I think of how this year she would have been turning 3. I think of what she may have been like. What she would have grown to look like. I am thankful that she had a life in me close to me even if it was brief. I would never take back the little life she had living inside of me for 6 months. Although she did not make it she is with the Lord and I am thankful that she is in the presence of the King. A part of my own flesh resides in the presence of the Lord daily. I have no idea what this really looks like on the other side of that curtain but I can imagine. I am so thankful for her in my life to make me who I am today. Who she is changed me, and I think and hope that the change is for God's glory! When I think of being thankful I think of how God doubled our portion and gave Jerid and I not just one but 2 beautiful and amazing girls! How he took something so tragic and blessed me even more than I could imagine. How he healed my broken heart and of how every time my girls put their hand in mine I am reminded that the Lord giveth and taketh away only because He is God and because He is Good. So there you have it that is what I am thankful for this thanksgiving. I am thankful for life.
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